Blog Posts

Ardbrack Financial Blogs & Research Pieces
Moving your UK Pension to Ireland

Moving your UK Pension to Ireland

This week’s implosion of Sterling serves as timely reminder for those who previously worked in the UK that it’s worth considering moving old pensions to Ireland. This can be a complex process and needs to be carefully managed. As an adviser who worked in... read more
Financial Planning 2022

Financial Planning 2022

Why is a Financial Plan so Important? We all have financial goals and objectives, but sometimes fail to document what they are. Without a proper financial plan, it’s difficult to know whether you and your family are on track to secure your financial future. For young... read more


“Is the US Stock Market in a bubble?” – This is a question I’ve had to field a few times recently.  The question is prompted by some traditional valuation metrics and by the recent performance of high flying stocks like Tesla, Amazon, Apple and Google.... read more


Many investors today have no experience of dealing with serious inflation. However, those who had mortgages and loans in the 1980s certainly remember the pressure of double-digit interest rates and Irish inflation running close to 20%. Globalisation, demographics, and... read more
The Cost of Trying To Time the Market

The Cost of Trying To Time the Market

Missing only a few days of strong returns can drastically impact overall performance.     John McWey, Financial Planner, Ardbrack Financial Limited. 021-4773833 / 083-4115277   Disclaimer: The content of this article is for general... read more
Financial Planning during Covid-19

Financial Planning during Covid-19

Family Financial Planning during Covid-19 Around the world we find ourselves adjusting to life during these stressful times. Life is always uncertain but human ingenuity is strong. We don’t know when some degree of normality will return, but it will. During this event... read more
Uncertainty, Buying the Dip and New Working Practices

Uncertainty, Buying the Dip and New Working Practices

Due to the global uncertainty owing to the Covid-19 pandemic, equity prices have quickly entered ‘bear market’ territory. This has led to an unprecedented fiscal and monetary policy response from governments worldwide. The following is our current assessment of the... read more

Ardbrack Financial Ltd

5 Guardwell,
Co. Cork

Tel: 021 4773833

Ardbrack Financial Ltd is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland

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Reg No:
Reg Office: 5 Guardwell, Kinsale, Co. Cork
Ardbrack Financial
5 Guardwell,
Co. Cork

Tel: 021 477-3833